Juneau County Wisconsin Log Homes for Sale
Juneau County, WI is located between Adams-Friendship and Tomah in central part of the state along the Wisconsin River flowage system which creates both Lake Petenwell and Castle Rock Lake. Juneau is known for farming, hilly terrain, public land, ATV trails, hunting, fishing, rock formations, public land which also has Necedah Wildlife Refuge, Buckhorn State Park, Hardwood Air-to-Ground Gunnery and Bombing Range plus a couple communities including; Necedah, New Miner, New Lisbon, Mauston and Elroy. Itâs surrounded by 7 other Counties; Wood, Adams, Columbia, Sauk, Vernon, Monroe and Jackson. On this site you will find Hancrafted, Manufactured, Half, Full, Sawn, Squared, Swedish Cope, D-Log, Log Homes, Log Cabins, Rustic Log Cabins, Lakefront Log Homes, Waterfront Log Cabins, Deeded Access Property, Log Sided Condos, Cedar Sided, Wood, Wood Shake and more located in this county listed by real estate agents. More information on Central Wisconsin.
Real Estate | Home | Land | Condo | Commercial | Water | Log Home | Mobile | Farming | Land Contract | Foreclosure | Camping | ATVing | Snowmobiling
Juneau County WI Log Cabins for Sale
Juneau County Townships
- Armenia Township
- Clearfield Township
- Cutler Township
- Finley Township
- Fountain Township
- Germantown Township
- Kildare Township
- Kingston Township
- Lemonweir Township
- Lindina Township
- Lisbon Township
- Lyndon Township
- Marion Township
- Necedah Township
- Orange Township
- Plymouth Township
- Seven Mile Creek Township
- Summit Township
- Wonewoc Township
Cities, Towns and Villages in the County
- Camp Douglas
- Cloverdale
- Cutler
- Elroy
- Finley
- Hustler
- Kelly
- Lemonweir
- Lindina
- Lone Rock
- Lyndon Station
- Mather
- Mauston
- Meadow Valley
- Necedah
- New Minner
- Orange Mill
- Sprague
- Tunnel
- Union Center
- Wonewoc
Juneau County Lakes and Flowages
- Beaver Flowage
- Big Lake
- Castle Rock Lake
- Decorah Lake
- Eagle Nest Flowage (Potters)
- Fish Lake
- Goose Pool
- Kilbourn Flowage
- Kingston Flowage
- Lemonweir Millpond
- Lemonweir River
- Meadow Valley Flowage
- Necedah Lake
- New Lisbon Lake
- Number Two Pool
- Orange Millpond
- Petenwell Lake
- Rynearson Flowage No. 1
- Sprague-Mather Flowage
- Suk & Cerney Flowage
- Trout Lake
Rivers, Creeks & Trout Streams
Class 1, 2 & 3 - Indicates Trout Stream
- Albert Lateral Ditch
- Avery Lateral Ditch
- Baraboo River – Class 3
- Bear Creek
- Beaver Creek -North Channel
- Bewick Lateral Ditch
- Brewer Creek – Class 1
- Carpenter Lateral Ditch
- Cattail Valley Creek
- Cheese Factory Creek – Class 1
- Cleaver Creek
- Cranberry Creek
- Crossman Creek
- Cutler Ditch
- Danielson Lateral Ditch
- Dell Creek
- East Branch Big Creek
- East Branch Little Yellow River
- East Branch Spencer Robinson Ditch
- Fountain Creek – Class 2
- Gardner Creek
- Gilmore Creek – Class 1 & 2
- Hills Creek
- Holtzlander Creek
- Hoton Creek
- Johnson Lateral Ditch
- Juneau County Ditch
- Lemonweir River
- Little Brewer Creek
- Little Hoten Creek – Class 1
- Little Lemonweir River – Class 2 & 3
- Little Onemile Creek
- Little Yellow River
- Lyndon Creek – Class 3
- McConnell Lateral
- McDowell Lateral
- Morse Lateral Ditch
- Mud Ditch
- Neal Lateral Ditch
- Onemile Creek – Class 1, 2 & 3
- Ox Creek
- Rattail Lateral Ditch
- Rawson Lateral Ditch
- Rogers Lateral Ditch
- Russell Lateral Ditch
- Sevenmile Creek
- Seymour Creek – Class 3
- South Branch Yellow River
- Spencer Robinson Ditch
- Spring Creek
- Stewart Creek
- Tracy Creek – Class 3
- Unnamed - Several
- Ward Lateral Ditch
- Webster Creek – Class 2 & 3
- West Branch Baraboo River
- West Branch Big Creek
- West Branch Little Yellow River
- West Petenwell Ditch – Class 2
- Wisconsin River
- Yellow River
Juneau County, Wisconsin Public Land
- Buckhorn Barrens SNA
- Buckhorn State Park
- Buckhorn Wildlife Area
- Cranberry Creek Mound Group SNA
- Eagle Nest Flowage Public Access
- Lemonweir Bottomland Hardwood Forest SNA
- Meadow Valley Wildlife Area (Necedah National Wildlife Refuge)
- Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
- Necedah Station
- Petenwell Rock
- Petenwell Wilderness Park
- Yellow River Oxbows SNA
- Yellow River Wildlife Area
- Wood County Wildlife Area
Juneau County, WI Log Cabins for Sale